We know that every responsible person and business leader you know has the law that you must prevent unauthorized access to any personal information on discarded computers and electronic devices. That’s why we provide Tulsa hard drive and media destruction. We know that there are very large fees and penalties if there happens to be a breach and we always hope this never happens to you. We also want you to know and be aware that if there is a breach that can be upwards of $250,000 in 10 years in prison for each act. We know this is not the only reason you would like to keep your employees information private we know that is because all the ethical obligation your workers a trust you should should have confidence and have procedure plates procedure be with us at America’s document shredding and let us take care of all of your talk hard drive and media destruction needs.
As things become increasingly digital in our world know that Tulsa hard drive and media destruction is more more essential to our lives and are corporations and also to your employees and their lives and their privacy because were to make a very personal information they him to you trust and confidence you are going to take care that that is why we have laws such as the law that is why we have regulations and penalties while they submit may sound and seemed very steep there is a reason for that because if you allow there to be a breach of you lower your information to get out a identity thief you can destroy their financial future
This has big implications for your clients and it is going to hurt your revenue, as this breach is going to show up on many lists across many places. And you lost the trust of the public. They won’t be giving their data. Because they are going to know you are not responsible enough to protect your employees and clients. And they don’t want that. instead you’re going to American document shredding for Tulsa hard drive and media destruction needs.
Once you have put this process on our shoulders it goes off of yours and employees and that is taken care of to show up at your company we are going to provide you with a law container that is in a state your site is free of charge we’re going to decide on the schedule for your coming whether you need us biweekly pricey every four weeks or six weeks we are going to be able to accommodate that there’s got to be a charge if you happen to need us to come before your schedule that is okay we understand if you have half container we are not going to charge for full container because that is not what we do we know that many of our elders have things like fuel service surcharges but we do not that is not something to you are going to run across we take great because we know ration in our area of the have hard drive and media destruction means
As technology advances we know that you and your company are going to need to upgrade and you’re going data networks that you are going to be upgrading as you do that you’re going to have to responsibly take care of everything that you are no longer here to help you take care of that when you’re ready for this process please give us a call at 918770606 or you can always visit our website as we shut outside.com there you are going to find that out we will give you a call to schedule your free consultation